Time is flying fast as I grow up. 2017 was an amazing year, and the best year ever for me. I learnt a lot of important life lessons as well as business lessons.
Because of how fast everything happens, I usually don’t get a chance to document it all in one place. That’s why I started doing a yearly recap, so I can keep a diary for me to reflect on as I get older. Plus, I think it’s going to be useful for Solomon as well.
Let’s take a look back at everything that happened this year (caution: it’s long).
Personal Highlights
I did a lot of juggling in 2017 – trying to be a good dad, a good husband, and a good son.
Solomon turned 1 year old, and it’s amazing watching him grow. From learning how to sit up, then crawl, and now walk / run, is by far the best moments for me in 2017.
Also for those who haven’t yet experienced fatherhood, it’s crazy how much control an infant/toddler has over your schedule. Most of our personal schedule in 2017 revolved around Solomon.
One of my goals for 2017 was to increase family time, so Solomon can have the same family experience that I had when growing up. To make this happen, I bought my parents a house 5 minutes from us. This was a great decision.
Solomon gets to spend time with his grandparents almost every day, and I get to eat my mom’s delicious food. Although the second part has caused me to gain weight which my doctor isn’t too happy with.
We also made conscious effort to go out for breakfast and dinner with our aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. This was a very pleasant addition to my life considering the last 9 years I spent in a college town away from family.
Between trying to spend more time with family and parenthood, I wanted to make sure that Amanda and I continue to have regular date nights. Thanks to my mom and my sister for babysitting Solomon, we were able to do that. And it’s getting better as he gets older.
I failed at my other two goals: remove profanity from my vocabulary and visit two national parks.
But I did travel a lot, and towards the latter part of the year, Amanda and Solomon joined as well.
We took Solomon to 3 different countries (Turkey, Mexico, and Bahamas).
Turkey was A LOT of fun. We spent two weeks there. Thanks to our good friends David & Yurda Henzel for showing us around.
We also took a family cruise to Bahamas with 17 people. First time for my parents and Solomon too. We had a blast, and I would love to do it again.
Here are some random photos from my travel in 2017.
The school project that I started in 2016 with Cambodian Village Fund was completed, and the “Syed Balkhi Learning Center” opened in 2017. I wasn’t able to make it to the opening ceremony, but to my surprise, I received a Medal of Honor from the prime minister of Cambodia.
Completely out of the blue, I got invited to have dinner with the United States Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin. The dinner was held at the Treasury building, and it was humbling to be in the company of several nation leaders and top entrepreneurs like Shahid Khan, the owner of Jacksonville Jaguars.
I also received the Technology Award from the Pakistani News Channel (GeoTV) where I sat down and got to chat with the new Ambassador of Pakistan for United States.
Last but not least, I was inducted in the United States Cricket Hall of Fame for the work that I have been doing with Cricket Council USA over the last few years in helping expand the game of Cricket in U.S.
Business Highlights
Since I have multiple companies, I am going to break up the sections for each business. But before I do that, check out the new company website design of Awesome Motive Inc. I’m super proud of this one.
OptinMonster is our flagship product, and it saw a lot of growth in 2017.
We launched version 4.0 which introduced a lot of infrastructure changes that helped us improve performance by 57%. We redesigned the OM dashboard and added necessary account management features like sub-accounts, permission control, activity logs, and custom branding to help our enterprise and agency clients.
We also added powerful targeting features like InactivitySensor, sound effects, and shareable MonsterLinks.
Last but not least, we finally launched our native Shopify app to help reduce cart-abandonment and increase eCommerce revenue with OnSite retargeting.
Aside from the product features, we redesigned the OptinMonster marketing website. This was a huge project considering we added over 100 new pages to the site.
We pushed out dozens of amazing articles, case studies, and launched our Facebook group.
I learnt a lot of lessons from OptinMonster when it comes to managing a growing team, creating strategic partnerships, and how to be better prepared for growth. More on this in the lessons learned section.
A lot of folks laughed at me when I told them I was going to launch a contact form plugin for WordPress in 2016.
Fast forward to 2018, in less than 2 years, WPForms is now running on over 800,000 websites, and we have a 4.9 out of 5 star rating average. That’s because it is the most user-friendly contact form solution for WordPress. Don’t believe me? Try the free version yourself to see the difference.
We added tons of neat features like form abandonment addon, invisible captcha, ability to create custom form templates, form column layouts, new email marketing integrations, offline form addons, form importer, new translations, and more.
We also acquired the most popular SMTP solution, WP Mail SMTP, to help solve the email deliverability issues that comes with WordPress. In December, we completely revamped the plugin to make it easy to use and more reliable.
We launched the redesigned MonsterInsights website and plugin in January 2017. For those who don’t know, I acquired this plugin in 2016 from Yoast, and it’s the largest Google Analytics integration running on 1.9 million websites.
Through out the year, we added several powerful features like: URL builder, Google AMP addon, Forms tracking, enhanced eCommerce tracking, Facebook Instant articles tracking, Google optimize addon, telephone link tracking, and more.
Finally, MonsterInsights has become the plugin that’s a MUST HAVE for all of my websites.
I believe 2017 was phase 1 of our revamp of this powerful plugin. In 2018, we will enter phase 2, which includes better reports for beginners. My whole goal is to make analytics easy for WordPress beginners. Simply sending data to Google Analytics is equivalent of sending it to a graveyard for most business owners because they have no idea where to find most of it.
I want to bring back the relevant data back to WordPress in a simplified reporting dashboard. I think version 7.0 will do just that. Here’s a sneak peek.
2018 is going to be huge for MonsterInsights.
Envira Gallery and Soliloquy
As announced yesterday, we have sold both Envira Gallery and Soliloquy to a private buyer, Nathan Singh.
One of the “problems” of a fast growing business is that you have to carefully choose what to focus on. Most of my focus in 2017 was on our growth tools.
This caused us to severely neglect Envira and Soliloquy which I believe wasn’t fair to our community of loyal users who have supported us all these years.
I’m very happy to have found a new leader in Nathan who shares the same values as us in building a customer centric product and company.
I know as this news spread, I will be getting a lot of emails with questions related to the price, sale process, and everything in between. Here’s what I can share:
This was a multi-million dollar transaction that involved banks which made for an interesting learning experience. The due-diligence process took two months, and we closed the deal before the end of 2017.
I learnt a lot of lessons from this sale. Some of these I will share in the lessons learned section of this article below.
I also intend to write a separate blog post talking about my detailed experience from acquiring these two plugins, growing the business, and then selling them.
List25 is a side project of mine that I started in college. We are closing in on 2.3 million subscribers and we passed 552 million video views mark on our YouTube channel.
I missed my goal of redesigning the site in 2016, and I wasn’t so happy about that. We did a complete redesign of List25 website in 2017, and it turned out to be good for us.
Since I spend two hours a month managing the website, I brought on a third-party ad management company, SnigelWeb, to help improve our revenue. Overall, they have done a great job.
My goal for 2018 is to finally launch our merchandise store for List25. This will also give me the chance to play around with Shopify in great details.
WPBeginner had another excellent year. We grew our website traffic and our YouTube channel passed 10 million video views.
However I fell short on my goal of reaching 100,000 subscribers on YouTube – we only got to 80,000 subscribers.
While we reduced the output of our videos, I felt the quality of our videos improved significantly. We also created some of the best WordPress tutorials in 2017, and I’m very proud of the team.
My goal for 2018 is to increase our content output while maintaining the same high quality. I also have a few secret projects planned, but I won’t be sharing those just yet.
Real Estate
I added a very special property to my portfolio in 2017. It’s a Wells Fargo building that I used to ride my bicycle by when I was growing up. It’s kinda cool to say that I own it, and the bank is my tenant.
I’m also creating my office in this building. It’ll be a new experience for me, since I’ve never worked out of an office before.
Aside from this commercial property, I also bought two residential properties for rental income.
I could’ve definitely bought more if I borrowed money, but I like being 100% debt-free. Some people call me crazy because I can grow a lot faster by borrowing money (specially when borrowing is so cheap), but I’d rather grow slowly and have peace of mind.
Press and Mentions
I got tons of press mentions through quotes as well as having my articles featured in top publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, HuffPost, TheNextWeb, and countless others.
Three that I’m particularly proud of are:
I was recently recognized in Inc magazine as one of the 6 online entrepreneurs who’re giving back.
I was recognized on Forbes for my work on List25 / YouTube – it also contains 8 tips to grow your channel.
Larry Alton did a story about my background on Inc talking about how I started the company.
I was also mentioned as #2 in the list of top 10 online marketers to watch in 2018 on Entrepreneur Magazine.
Lessons Learned
I learned A LOT in 2017. Below are some important lessons:
Have a Right Business Structure
There’s a lot of due-diligence that’s involved when you sell a business. One of the best decisions that we made early on was to keep every product in a separate business entity (LLC). This allowed us to keep our books clean because each product had a separate Stripe / PayPal account, separate bank account, etc.
This made the due-diligence process very easy for us because we had all the documents ready to go.
If you have a business with multiple products, and you think that there might be a time where you will sell one of the products separately, then it’s best that you establish separate business entities.
We still used Awesome Motive for management purposes (i.e hiring employees, paying shared expenses, etc), but we did regular inter-company invoices. This sounds like a hassle, but it worked out really well for us in the Envira / Soliloquy sale.
Invest in building a company hub
One of the best things we did this year was to finally invest in our company hub for the team. A hub is a website where our team can find all the relevant information such as team directory, SOP manual, announcements, style guides, company calendar, videos, etc.
I looked everywhere, and I couldn’t find a solution that did everything that we wanted. So we built one using WordPress.
Be more Intentional
I used to attend a lot of conferences every year, casually learn a few things, and never implement most of them.
In 2017, I made it a point to be intentional about everything I do. This forced me to be better at just about everything.
When I attended an event, I had a purpose of what I wanted to get out of it. And surprisingly enough, I found the events that I did attend to be very valuable for my business.
Monitoring Systems
This sounds so simple, but I bet you that most businesses don’t do this properly. Up until 2017, I was doing it wrong as well.
Yes, I had an uptime monitor setup for my website which notified me if our websites went down.
What we didn’t have was monitoring system for our cart and lead-gen forms. If you’re spending money on ads to bring users to your site, this can be a major blow if something isn’t working right.
Due to a server configuration issue, our cart had an error but everything else on the website was working fine. So the uptime monitor didn’t notify us. We didn’t know about the issue until a customer emailed us. Something like this should’ve been caught right away, but it wasn’t which caused us to lose a lot of $$$.
Now, we’re using Pingdom Transaction Monitoring solution. If you’ve an eCommerce website, then this is something you should seriously consider!
My goals for 2018
I’m not going to list out product-specific goals because each one has fairly elaborate roadmaps.
My personal goals for 2018 are:
- Start a non-profit organization – The more success I have in my professional career, the more I want to give back. We have already filed the paperwork, and both Amanda and I are excited about this.
- Create a video show – Most folks don’t know this, but I actually get quite nervous when I get in front of a camera. I want to break out of this in 2018.
- Continue doing family trips – I really enjoyed our family trips in 2017, and I want to continue doing these in 2018.
I had a lot of fun in 2017, and I’m truly blessed to be able to do what I do every day. Here’s to an even better 2018!.
In the meantime, enjoy more pics from 2017 (just because).
Really happy for you! Sounds like you had a hell of a year.. can’t wait to see what 2018 brings.
Thanks buddy 🙂
amazing journey and have a wonderful 2018 with parents and family
you defiantly had a busy and blessed year. Here’s to your continued success and that 2018 be more prosperous than the last five
Thanks Paul 🙂
I love what you’re doing, I am greatly inspired
Thank you 🙂
Syed, best wishes for the 2018. May your progress and journey continues.
It is great to share your insights and journey with others. It motivates, it excites and it educates. People who are willing to be flexible and learn will certainly benefit from these entries from your journal and personal experiences.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the kind words Ahmad 🙂
Great to hear that 2017 was such a success.
I was hoping that some of it would rub off on me so I signed up for some of your WordPress info!
But, being stuck in the past for so long, I still work with Joomla…
Perhaps I should have made a New Years resolution for 2018 to learn WP??!??!?
All the best for 2018
Hey Steve,
Both are great platforms, but yes WP market is expanding very fast 🙂
Thanks again!
I can see that WP is becoming more popular but, having been with Joomla since it left Mambo, I am really struggling to get my head around WP!!!
Do you have any tips or advice on how to learn WP?
Hi Syed, Congrats on all of your success in 2017 and wishing you more in the years to come. This is all so very well deserved and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
I’m glad we got a chance to see each other in person and SMMW and hoping we can connect in person again soon.
Thanks Ileane 🙂
Hoping to connect soon.
Your an inspiration Syed. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation this year. I’ll be rooting for you in 2018!
Thanks buddy. Hopefully we can work on something together in 2018 – shoot me a message 🙂
Awesome Year Syed! Congrats to you and the team at Awesome Motive.
Thanks buddy 🙂
Thanks Syed. Happy New Year. Beautiful success story of 2017. May you live a very happy family life with much more prosperous future. Proud of you indeed.
Thanks Musarrat 🙂
All the best for your 2018 and wishing you all the best in achieving all your goals.
I have learned something from your 2017 experience and hopefully i will imprement in my plans for 2018.
Thanks Ally 🙂
Thanks for sharing this snapshot of your year, Syed! Glad we got to connect in person this year, and look forward to bigger and better things from your neck of the woods as 2018 progresses
It was great connecting with you John. Look forward to working together in 2018 🙂
Wow! Congratulations on everything! This has really given me some insight into who you are personally. As a freelance writer in the WordPress industry for some time now, I have grown to know your name and your products (of course!) but never really knew YOU. Thank you for sharing a little bit about both your professional and personal life. It makes me appreciate you that much more!
Thanks Lindsay.
All the best luck from 2018.
I wish you good luck in all your businesses and programs.
I enjoy reading this awesome piece of article, am highly motivated and educated in this one.
2018 is going to be a great year!
Hello sir, I literally don’t know how to express feelings using words. It has been an honer to see someone being one of the most successful entrepreneurs being originally Asian. You , positively have encouraged me by all your work to work harder. I’ts been a season that I’ve been working on my website and I’ll soon launch it. I just wanted to Thank you. keep on the Great Work !
Forgot to say who i am : I’m Ali from Iran.
Thanks for the kind words Ali.
Congratulations, Syed! That was a great year for you and your company. You are the motivation for me and my company!
Thanks Anh 🙂
Wonderful recap of a great year! Thank you for supporting the wonderful game of Cricket in the US!
If you ever want to have a great cricket day in Florida stop by at the Sarasota International Cricket Club (http://sarasotacricket.org) and meet the members and players. They are from all walks of life and various corners of the world connecting around the beauty of the game. Sometimes, Shiv Chanderpaul stops by for an informal game among friends.
Happy New Year!
Would have to make sure I do that 🙂
Hi Syed,
Congratulations on you success journey and I’m sure it is well deserved. Wishing you more of the same into the future.
I found your WPBeginner site which I’m just starting to use now. I love it as it is going to make my life easy building my site. I’m sure I’ll make many mistakes but with the help of your site it should be fun fixing things.
Just want to thank you of thinking of us beginners who might be struggling in more ways than one
That’s amazing Syed. You are a champ and I am following your blog from many years. I am sure you will have a great 2018, even better. 🙂
I also want to be like you. Maybe some day I am gonna reach that position. But I don’t have enough ideas and sometimes i am really down as I don’t know what I am doing will be fruitful in the end or not. 🙁
Just came across your blog. That’s a good year recap and you are an Inspiration.
Syed congratulations on all your success and your family beautiful little one I myself can totally understand fatherhood having a 3-month-old it’s hard work balancing it all nothing but success in 2018. Looking forward to seeing your video show!
Your family is so nice may God shower blessing upon you and your family
And Good Luck For Next Year
I am learning a lot from your articles, a pity I have stopped with the publications. You are a great inspiration to anyone who is starting, thank you!
Wow, really great year. That’s very cool you bought the commercial property and the bank is now your customer lol
Great news! I Greatly agree with staying debt-free!!! Great news for Solomon also!!
This is simply amazing Syed!
The wells fergo was full of emoting and planning
Good luck 🙂
Dear Syed,
Good to see that you balanced both Professional & family life excellently. To spend quality time with your family ( specially with kids) is equally important.
Out of your hectic schedule you travelled many place alongwith your family members and parents, thats great.
Wish you all the best to cross further milestones.
Thanks, Surya
You are awesome, your story is truly inspiring Syed, i must say keep up the great work bro! All the best for all your future endeavours!
With Regards!
This brings more question: how do you find the time to do all that? How do you balance work and family time?
I have a great team that I can delegate a lot to. I also work in focused batches (Time blocks).
Interesting read, how is 2019 so far?
Update coming on this soon 🙂
Trust it’s OK to drop you an informal line here 🙂
Just wanted to let you know you have had a MASSIVE impact on my selection of everything to do with creating a new website. I am truly grateful. I’ve tinkered and learned with the wp free themes, but don’t have time to learn each facet from the ground up. So I’m going with 1 of these below.
My shortlisted 3 themes are all from your advice. I’m hoping I chose the best.
Start Right Pro (by createandcode.com)
Creativo6 (Rocky Themes/Mojo Mktplace)
UltraTheme (by themify/me)
I discarded 2 others because you said they were “fairly easy” and I’m a total newbie. I really cant afford the $59 for it, but I also cant afford to build the site badly or wrongly, that would be a terrible disaster.
Going to run with Creativo 6 as you said it is “very easy” and I need that!
You have a wonderful family and are very wise to schedule more time with them as your son grows. Seems to me you are wise beyond your years.
My sincere thanks again and best wishes for the future.
Just came across your personal website although using WPBeginner already. Your year review is awsome and wish you best to achieve in 2018.
Glad you found it helpful 🙂